“Grey area drinking - the space between rock bottom and every now and again drinking.”

So, what is Grey Area Drinking?

A Grey Area Drinker (GAD) does not have a physical dependency on alcohol, they typically can stop drinking for a period and sit on the drinking spectrum between 3-7.  While not dependant on alcohol they may be experiencing issues with their health and wellbeing and find themselves on the start stop merry go round.

Because GAD’s on the surface don’t appear to have a problem they typically don’t discuss the subject with family and friends.  It is often a hidden matter, left to self-management.

The signs you may be a Grey Area Drinker:

  • Rising anxiety levels – Constant negative head talk about your drinking habits.  Fatigue and lack of motivation.

  • Hangxiety – The exhaustion and self-shame that comes with constant hangovers

  • Increased volumes & tolerance – your drinking levels are increasing and your tolerance to the effects of alcohol is building

  • Relationship issues – Mood fluctuations, argumentative, irritable, regret and withdrawn are all signs you’re drinking maybe damaging your relationships

  • Rule setting and restlessness – If you are constantly setting rules around your drinking and breaking them.  Constant negative self-dialogue and questioning your relationship with alcohol

What if I am ready to make a change?

Shaun Palmer Grey Area Drinking Coach

Mission Statement.

I provide a confidential brave space for men & women who are ready to change their relationship with alcohol. 
We will work together to repair your nervous system with support and practical resources, creating positive change towards the best version of you.

Working in the mining & hospitality industries for over 30 years I experienced the stresses of fly in fly out and corporate burnout.  I certainly used alcohol as a coping mechanism to deal with the isolation, fatigue, and relationship challenges.

Once I discovered life without alcohol it changed my entire outlook on life. Now together with my lived experience,
I have trained under Jolene Park from America to become a “Grey Area Drinking Coach” and my passion is to help others heal.

If you are tired of the negative self-talk cycle, the damage to your mental & physical health and relationships.  If you are ready to heal and present the true you.  Then let’s make a start and take back control of your life! 

Book for a free “Right Fit” call now.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.